Category: Project

Start of Season and Covid-19

Start of Season and Covid-19

   April showers… are still bringing snow. Springtime in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is finally here — temperatures are above freezing (if barely), birds are migrating through the area (most recently mountain bluebirds and killdeer), and RCF is getting its...
Sometimes 17 Is a Big Number

Sometimes 17 Is a Big Number

The number 17 does not come to mind when you think of big numbers, but when you’re working with Common Loons in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), an isolated population numbering only 22 territorial pairs, small numbers like 17 can be relatively massive. This...
Monument Ridge Aspen Regeneration Study

Monument Ridge Aspen Regeneration Study

Understanding how forest management actions affect non-game bird and mammal species. Project Overview In Wyoming, aspen woodlands provide important breeding habitat for mule deer, elk, and upland grouse. Without regular fires and other disturbances, aspen woodlands...
The Loon Restoration Project

The Loon Restoration Project

Re-establishing loons in their former breeding range and helping populations recover in the greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Project Overview Working with Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Caribou-Targhee National...
The Swan Project

The Swan Project

Increasing the resident Trumpeter Swan population in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana Project Overview The Swan Project is a multi-year partnership between The Ricketts Conservation Foundation and The Wyoming Wetlands Society to increase the number of Trumpeter Swans in...
The Clark’s Nutcracker Project

The Clark’s Nutcracker Project

Protecting a centuries-old relationship between the Clark’s Nutcracker and the whitebark pine in Yellowstone National Park. Project Overview The Clark’s Nutcracker Project is a multiyear partnership between The Ricketts Conservation Foundation, the University of...