Understanding how forest management actions affect non-game bird and mammal species.
Project Overview
In Wyoming, aspen woodlands provide important breeding habitat for mule deer, elk, and upland grouse. Without regular fires and other disturbances, aspen woodlands are taken over by conifer species and eventually disappear. To prevent this from occurring, forest managers conduct prescribed burns and mechanical thinning to remove conifers and encourage aspen regeneration. How these actions impact non-game species within montane aspen forests differently from naturally occurring wildfires isn’t well understood.
The Problem
In Wyoming, aspen woodlands provide important breeding habitat for mule deer, elk, and upland grouse. Without regular fires and other disturbances, aspen woodlands are taken over by conifer species and eventually disappear. To prevent this from occurring, forest managers conduct prescribed burns and mechanical thinning to remove conifers and encourage aspen regeneration. How these actions impact non-game species within montane aspen forests differently from naturally occurring wildfires isn’t well understood.
The Solution
In 2018 RCF initiated a study at Monument Ridge, on the Bridger-Teton National Forest in Sublette County, WY. Working with Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, RCF has established two banding stations, conducted bird surveys, trapped small mammals, and placed 24 game cameras to monitor animal habitat use over the 11,000-acre study area both before and after forest treatments. Additionally, since the Roosevelt Fire occurred in 2019, RCF has also been collecting data within the wildfire perimeter. Gathering and analyzing these data over the next ten years will allow us to compare the impacts of prescribed fires and wildfire on non-game species including songbirds, snowshoe hare, marten, and many others. Ultimately, these analyses will provide forest managers with a broader understanding of the impacts of their forest management practices.

Located in Western Wyoming, the Bridger-Teton offers more than 3.4 million acres of public land for your outdoor recreation enjoyment. With its pristine watersheds, abundant wildlife and immense wildlands, the Bridger-Teton National Forest comprises a large part of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem – the largest intact ecosystem in the lower 48 United States. Offering nearly 1.2 million acres of designated Wilderness, over 3,000 miles of road and trail and thousands of miles of unspoiled rivers and streams, the Bridger-Teton offers something for everyone. We encourage you to visit this beautiful landscape and experience this unique piece of American Heritage.

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is the State of Wyoming’s state agency charged with stewardship of the state’s fish, game, and wildlife resources. The department sets fish and game regulations, including issuance of hunting and fishing licenses and enforcement of state regulations throughout the state.

Bird Conservancy of the Rockies connects people, birds and land. We work to conserve birds and their habitats through science, education and stewardship.